Position of fields matter, so to make this process simple, Repbox has made the process of moving, and showing fields as straightforward and customizable as possible for each Repbox system.
You will have to be an Admin within your system to make any of the changes we are about to discuss. If you are not an admin, please consult an Admin within your company to make the needed changes. (Note: Field names cannot be edited from the front end, if you need a field renamed in any way, please contact [email protected] for any changes in field names you may need.)
First you are going to want to go to the module where the field is located. For example, if you wish to see a field such as "Last Name" in a summary view, you will need to go to the "Contacts" module. (This process is virtually the same for any module you wish to edit the fields for within Repbox).
Once you are in the desired module, you will see a "wrench" icon to the far right of the "List View" select that icon and a drop down menu will populate.
From the drop down menu, select "Edit Fields."
Once you select edit fields, the "Fields and Layout Editor" page will load, here you will see all the fields already available for that module. If you scroll over any of the fields, in the right of the field box there will be a pencil that appears.
If you select the pencil, a list of options will appear, from these options you can decided where the fields are shown within the views of Repbox.
Checkboxes and their meanings: (Any time you wish to remove one of the options, make sure the checkbox is unchecked, and to have the option checked if you wish to use the feature).
Mandatory Field: When this is checked it means that the record cannot be saved unless this field is filled in or has data in it. Some fields have to be mandatory and cannot be made to be regular.
Active: Repbox doesn't truly delete fields entirely, instead we have the ability to hide a field from the front end of the system. If there is a field you wish to not see or use anymore, click this option and the field will be "Inactive" (If a mistake is made this can easily be undone by selecting the "Actions" drop down then selecting, "Inactive Fields" option to the right of the Field Block).
Once you select "Inactive" fields, a pop up will appear with all the inactive fields within that specific field block. Find the field you wish to re-activate, select the checkbox to the left of that field, then select "Reactivate."
Quick Create: This Option allows the field to populate in the "Quick Create" form that populates when you select the "+" icon to the upper right of any Repbox window.