Setting up the ability to Link Emails to records within Repbox
Mailbox within Repbox is an important feature, once set up, that can help any business organize emails and link them to any record within Repbox.
Step 1. Open up Mailbox within your Repbox. If you are signed into Repbox, go to the "All" option on the top module Bar.
Step 2. Once the Mailbox module loads, you will see a link to "create mailbox"
Click this link.
Step 3. Select Email Provider:
Step 4: Input your EMAIL log in, and password. (Depending on which option you select, different log in pages will appear.)
Gmail: This will appear, the Mail Server Name will automatically populate, for it to work properly, do not change the information in that field.
Office 365: A pop up will appear, please make sure pop up blocking for Repbox is disabled for this option to appear. You will need to Enter your Email address and Password then click NEXT.
Once you are logged in to your email, a window into your email will appear. At this point, you are finished, and emails can be selected and linked to individual records within Repbox.